WYDOT Staffing

Hwy 296 is classified “low volume” and only plowed during daylight hours.

As seen in the Cowboy State Daily March 9, 2023

“Reiner and his staff battled through a rough winter this year, with historic snow and cold temperatures blanketing most of the state’s roads. Entering the winter, the agency was short 71 snowplow drivers.

WYDOT has been battling low staffing for some time in a number of areas. The Wyoming Highway Patrol, which WYDOT oversees, had more than 50 vacancies for sworn officers in January, about a quarter of its available workforce. 

In a spring 2021 survey of its nearly 2,000 employees, adequate pay was listed as the top improvement WYDOT staff wanted. Although a pay raise was approved during the 2022 legislative session, Reiner told legislators in December there were still vacancies for snowplow drivers, state troopers, dispatchers, fuel tax examiners and engineers.”

Read Full Article: https://cowboystatedaily.com/2023/03/09/gordon-announces-wydot-director-luke-reiners-retirement/