Loss of Public Lands Access for Skiers & Snowmobilers if PARC “Drops The Plow” without formal planning.

If PARC “Drops The Plow” without formal planning and permitting, access points to the backcountry between Pilot Creek Parking Area and Cooke City will be cut off if not rendered impossible to access with no comparable formal parking alternative. This includes rider access to Daisy and Lulu. With limited turnouts on Highway 212 and limited … Read more

WYDOT Snowplow Priority Plan Map & Driver Shortage

Cody to the MT state line is classified Low volume (IIIA, IIIB): Service generally involves other less busy minor arterial and collector routes and is provided after high-volume and medium-volume routes have been cleared, with exceptions sometimes made for school buses or similar traffic. Low-volume service is provided only during daylight hours. Level IIIB state highways … Read more


Thank you to those who have reached out to share your support for POP! We have compiled a heat map of Cooke City Support from in-town property owners. If your lots are not represented on this map and you support POP’s mission, be sure to reach out! Some residential properties in lite green are lite … Read more

Map of Snowmobile Trail Loss

“Everything circled in magenta is the trail from Pilot Creek to Cooke City. The trail that is circled in Green is the rest of Trail A from Pilot Creek Parking lot to the junction of Hwy 296 and Hwy 212 which we would also lose, so it’s not just the 9 miles from Pilot Creek … Read more